As a member of the Corrosion Association, you can get direct access to the most up-to-date information and special events in the industry. Our members can access the rich digital library of our association and examine books and other academic work archives about corrosion.
In addition, our members have the opportunity to participate in our regular webinars, technical discussions and working groups. These platforms allow you to exchange information and create new collaborations by communicating with industry professionals and lecturers.
In order to become a member, you must first fill out the appropriate personal or corporate membership forms on the links below.
Become a member now and be a part of our association that opens up to knowledge and sectoral solidarity!
The Corrosion Association has been pioneering scientific and technological developments in the fight against corrosion since 1987. Our association, which encourages sectoral information sharing with the rich resources it offers to its members, symposiums and trainings it organises, aims to add value to the future with sustainable solutions.