Why Corrosion Courses are Required ?
Corrosion has been a problem for engineers and technical staff working in all sectors of industry. Out-of-schedule downtime caused by material damage due to corrosion disrupts production and therefore leads to economic losses. In addition, factors such as environmental pollution and safety, which are increasing in importance today, force engineers to take effective measures against corrosion.
As long as the use of metals and their alloys continues, it is imperative to accept the material damages caused by corrosion as a fact that cannot be ignored. Estimates of the cost that corrosion imposes on a nation range from 1.0 to 4.5% of national income. Naturally, the purpose of the challenge against corrosion cannot be to completely eliminate the losses caused by it. On the other hand, the experience gained in this field shows that with the correct selection and application of existing knowledge and technologies, an undeniable part of corrosion losses can be recovered.
Despite this very simple fact, the lack of widespread knowledge about the corrosion phenomenon and, in particular, the wide variety of ways and mechanisms by which direct and indirect losses can occur gives a contradictory appearance. Obviously, the engineer and other technical personnel responsible for corrosion control must have sufficient infrastructure knowledge about the environmental conditions that may damage metallic structures, as well as the mechanisms of corrosion formation.
Based on all these facts, the Turkish Corrosion Association has decided to organize training courses, and with these events, it has aimed to solve this important need in the field of corrosion.
In the scope of the training courses, the basic principles of corrosion, which are clear and sufficiently known, are given priority. The experts responsible for providing the courses will study the principles and practices of corrosion prevention in a comprehensive manner, focusing on some selected topics. In order to facilitate and improve the participants’ understanding and understanding of the basic topics described in the lessons, small-scale in-class experiments and demonstrations will be included. Participants will be encouraged to bring up the corrosion problems they experience for discussion and evaluation. The language of the courses is Turkish. If there is sufficient demand, courses can also be in English.
At the end of the courses, participants will be given a written exam consisting of true – false or multiple choice questions. The primary purpose of this exam is to measure the success of the course and to determine its inadequacies. All participants will be given a certificate of exam success with a certificate of participation issued by the Turkish Corrosion Association.
Who Should Participate?
The training courses will be implemented primarily with a content that will meet the requirements of chemical, petroleum, metallurgical, mechanical and electrical engineers, as well as technical personnel working in the public, private sector, local government and community organizations. Areas of interest to be covered in the courses;
Oil production and transportation
Oil refineries
Petrochemical and chemical industries
Food industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Paper industry
Fertilizer industry
Metallurgical industry
Mobile and stationary marine structures
Concrete structures
Water treatment systems
Transportation and transmission
Pipelines engineering
Control, monitoring and prevention of corrosion, and
Damage analysis and material selection
How to Apply?
Courses are announced to the members.
Past Training Courses
Training for ASELSAN on “Corrosion and its Prevention”, (November 12-14, 2007)
”Cathodic Protection Level 1-2″ training study at ITU house, (December 4-9, 2006)
”Principles and Problems of Cathodic Protection against Corrosion” training study at ITU house, (April 27-30, 2009)
”Corrosion and Prevention of TPAO Crude Oil Production Wells” training applications, (October 18-21, 2009)
GUNSU A.Santez Training at Ş “Corrosion and domestic inhibitors in the use of inhibitors”, (November 5-7, 2010)
MAN A.Sh. what is “Basic Corrosion and Atmospheric Corrosion in Vehicles”, (December 19-22, 2012)
VESTEL META INC. “Corrosion, Basic principles and Anodic protection”, (March 2016)
“Basis and applications of Corrosion Protection” to ASELSAN, (December 2016)
Conferences and Seminars
Conferences on “Corrosion and Its Prevention” for construction site and project engineers in various disciplines working in public organizations in Konya, Antalya and Izmir for HAT BORU AŞ, (September 2011 )
“Corrosion Losses of Turkey” within the scope of ITU Union of Engineers Energy Conferences (April 2012 )
Conference on “Corrosion in Energy Facilities” at the ITU house for the Turkish National Committee of the World Energy Council (February 2013 )
Inspection reports under the department of Consulting Services
Investigation of the causes of corrosion phenomenon caused by mirror cracking in a high-pressure steam boiler manufactured by Selnikel, owned by Doğa Tohumculuk.
Evaluation of the formation of corrosion under the shell in the Rigit Gypsum Factory rotary kiln,
Investigation of the causes of corrosion punctures occurring in water tanks isolated by Duratek AŞ at Eren Enerji Çatalağzı Thermal power plant,
The Corrosion Association has been pioneering scientific and technological developments in the fight against corrosion since 1987. Our association, which encourages sectoral information sharing with the rich resources it offers to its members, symposiums and trainings it organises, aims to add value to the future with sustainable solutions.